Località S. Albino Via delle Terme, 46
Montepulciano (Siena)
Tel. +39 (0)578 7911
Fax. +39 (0)578 799149

The treaty "de Thermis" by Andrea Bacci edited in 1571 contains several passages on the sulfur springs that flow in S. Albino di Montepulciano. The establishment "Terme di Montepulciano" was set up in 1966 with the objective of utilizing, in a rational and scientific way, the therapeutic properties of these sulfur waters and the "salsobromoidiche" (containing sodium chloride, bromide, iodide) present in the subsoil specializing in the cure of respiratory pathologies and those of the skin. The thermal center is equipped with "Scottish baths" (alternating hot and cold showers); vapor showers; pools; toning and moisturizing or relaxing treatments; hydro massage; hand massage; lynfo drainage; mud masks; facial masks; massages; and moisturizing, toning, and purifying treatments; and other treatments, for the health and care of the body.

Via Trieste nr. 22
53040 - Rapolano Terme (SI)
Tel. 0577-724030
Fax. 0577-724053

Acqua solfurea. Indicazioni terapeutiche:
- artropatie ad impronta infiammatoria (poliartriti croniche, esiti di reumatismo articolare acuto, artrite reumatoide) - nevriti, polinevriti tossiche, - malattie infiammatorie croniche dell’apparato respiratorio (riniti, faringiti, laringiti, sinusiti, bronchiti) - malattie della pelle.
Cure termali bagni, fanghi, inalazioni, nebulizzazioni, irrigazioni vaginali.

Chianciano Terme (Siena)
TEL +39 (0)578 68292/3
FAX +39 (0)578 60622

Chianciano, well known since the times of the Etruscans for its beneficial waters, is still today an extremely important reference point in the Italian thermal scene. Thanks to its springs, "Santa", "Fucoli", and "Sillene", the center is able to provide mineral water treatments that have detoxicating, curative, and diuretic properties. Hand in hand with traditional treatments, this thermal center offers innovative esthetic, therapeutic, back-in-shape treatments, making use of medical equipment and highly qualified specialists.

Località Terme, 1 - 53040 San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena)
Tel. +39 0578 58023
Fax +39 (0)578 58013

The thermal spring, named "Ferdinando I de' Medici" in honor of the founder of the first historical thermal springs establishment, feeds inexhaustibly into the center pool of this center with sulphate, calcic, magnesic, flouride- rich water, hyperthermal at 42 degrees Celsius. The basin is equipped with natural waterfall hydro massage, countercurrent hydro massage run, swan-neck jet hydro massage, and submersed benches for maximum comfort. The "Fonteverde" center provides massages, body and face treatments, esthetic medicine, oriental disciplines, fitness, and more.

Castiglione d'Orcia (Siena)
Tel +39 0577 872982
Fax +39 0577 872007

The waters of the "San Filippo Thermal Baths" sulfureo-solfate-bicarbonate, hyperthermal at 52 degrees Celsius, together with natural mud baths are utilized in this establishment for balneotherapy, inhalation therapy, aerosol, ionized aerosol, ultrasonic aerosol, facial masks and filiform showers for the cure of the pathologies of the cardio-respiratory system, dermatological pathologies, and others. At the "Terme San Filippo", imperfections of the face and body can be cured by means of hydromassage in multiple tubs, peelings with thermal baths sediments, massages with a Vicky shower, reducing or anti-cellulite body mud bath treatments, and face masks with filiform shower.

Frazione di San Quirico d'Orcia (Siena)
TEL +39 0577 887365

Bagni con acque termominerali ad acqua corrente e fanghi naturali, vaporizzazioni etc..., per le cure di reumatismi, artriti, nevriti, malattie della pelle e dell'apparato respiratorio.
A queste acque ricorsero anche Santa Caterina da Siena e Lorenzo il Magnifico. In antico le vasche per i bagni erano una per gli uomini e una per le donne. Inoltre esisteva una terza dove venivano immersi i cavalli.